Thursday, June 10, 2010

Feed the soul and the spirit

It is said that we are what we read, and we are what we think. Imagine a situation in your life experience where you wanted something very bad and started to think of ways on how to get it. The obsession was in you, you were so obsess by what you wanted to have that it became you. How did it become you? It became you by the thoughts that you had, the thoughts that you were developing in your subconscious. There is a saying that goes like this: “"You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny."
– Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

It all starts with a thought and the rest unfold naturally.

As human being our first preoccupation is to feed our body. We feed our body with different type of foods depending on what we like, where we live and were we are from. It varies a lot. But we all nurture something that we have the same way no matter where we are from, where we live, either we are male or female, black or white. We feed our soul the same way, through the invisible. The invisible is something that cannot be seen with the human eyes but can be sensed by our feelings. We feel sad when we nourish ourselves with pain, resentment, we feel happy when nourish ourselves with joy, laughter. This type of nourishment is done by all of us, all around the world and no matter our religions affiliation, belief and so forth and so on.

Feeding our body permit us to stay healthy, alive, and energetic. Feeding our soul allows us to discover who we truly are, and what we truly want. How come very few people feed their soul and spirit? Is it because very few people want to know who they are and what they truly want? What is it to feed our soul and our spirit?
It depends on our belief system, some people pray, some meditate, some have their own rituals. Feeding the soul is to give to the soul the necessary words needed to feel happy, content, hopeful, fearless, determined, awaken, alive, enlighten.

Let’s go back to the thing that you want. The more you feed yourself with idea of wanting something the more you nourish that idea of wanting and believing in it.
A very simple example is this, the summer is here, and it is very hot and dry outside. You feel the heat all over your body, you are sweating, you are losing the water in your body, and your tongue and lips start to feel dry, you almost out of saliva. You start to feel thirsty. What will be the first thing that will come to your mind? Cold drink, you will start to imagine this bottle of cold drink, fresh out of the fridge with drips of water all over the bottle. You will feel the bottle in your hand and your hand will feel wet by the touch of this bottle. Your imagination will start to go wild and your tongue will start to feel moist, and in need of water. At this moment you become your thoughts, you become thirsty and in need of refreshment. Your instinct will be to drink something. Your body needs something, you listen to it and you give it the exact thing that it asks for.
What about your soul and your spirit, do you listen to your soul when it talks to you? Do you respond? And is it satisfied of the answer? How do you know your soul is satisfied and fulfilled?
It is by listening to our thoughts, to our conscience. In my opinion conscience is something that we cannot explain. Con-Science, “science” tries to explain everything and the “con” represents the opposite. So conscience is the opposition in wanting to explain everything. By listening to your conscience you become aware of what you cannot explain, your feelings. By becoming aware of your feelings and your thoughts you give yourself permission to discover, explore those thoughts and feelings, just like you gave yourself permission to explore the reason why your mouth was dry because you needed water.
Your soul might thirsty right now, what are you waiting for to give the right nutrient to your soul?