Friday, August 5, 2011

Always be focus no matter the hurdle you may face in life.

Life as they say is a journey, apparently it is not the arrival that matter but more how you get to the finish line.

How do you get to your finish line?

The question to ask is what the finish line, is it death, success, accomplishment?

It is important to define the finish line before stepping on the road. Once you know where you are going, you can certainly define the right direction you need to take.

The journey of Life! It is about learning, listening, assessing, appreciating and being grateful. Being grateful! What does it really means?

Be thankful for what you have today. Tomorrow is another day, and yesterday is long gone. Cherish your day as if it was the last, and let no one be the captain of your life. Your life is for you to enjoy, your life is for you to live, Life is about being here and now.

In Sub Saharan Africa, we were not taught how to appreciate life. We were not taught how to be grateful, we were not taught to live the now and the today. We are polluted by jealousy, envy, and negative thoughts. How do you want to be grateful for your day, when all you think of is to do wrong to other? How can a society who believes that much in God can be so hateful and do so much wrong.

It all starts at home, where we are not taught to love, where parents divide their own children, where uncle despise his/her niece, where brother and sister compete against each other.

Life is a journey, and how you get to the finish line is more important than the finish line itself.

A runner knows that he or she will get to the finish line, but how will it get to the finish line, is the more important. Will he cheats? Will she takes a short cut? Or will she go by the rules? Are the rules fair enough for everyone or are they set for some to win and other to lose?

The journey of Life might seem long, but the time within the starting point and the finish line is here for a reason. A time for reflection, a time to analyze, a time to act, a time to…

Life is a journey, define your journey, and life will define the road that need to be taken!