Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Who are we? Who am I? Have you ever asked yourself this question? If not lay on your back and ask yourself…. Who am I? Why am I here?

We are black, light skin, dark skin. We are woman, we are mother, we are wife, we are daughter, we are sister, and we are auntie. We are part of the Universe.

We all have a dream, big or small. Dreaming is part of human being, Dreaming is Life.
The intensity of the dream depends on the beholder of the dreamer. A dream in my opinion is GOD talking to us, conversing with us through images that we have while being asleep, or awake. You know what, God is always talking to us, and we should always listen.
A dream can stay a dream as long as we choose to, or it can manifest itself in our lives if we decide to pursuit it. It is all a matter of choice. Choice. Choice. Choice.

We all have a potential, a potential to change our lives, our relationships with others. We have the potential to change our perception of life; we have the choice to live an amazing life. Everything is up to us. We have the power to see big, to see beyond our imagination and realized our deepest dream. We have the power to plant the seed of potentiality.

Life is like a Jigsaw puzzle without any picture to guide us. Just like life, we do not know where we are heading but we know that we have to move to create something.
Life is about taking the first step and the rest will unfold. We need to keep the end in mind. Stay focus and keep the end in mind.

We are our own architects; we are building the perfect house. The perfect life, the perfect dream. It takes time determination and courage to build a wonderful house, just like it takes time, determination and courage to believe, follow and fulfill a dream. One step at the time, one foot in front of the other. Slowly but surely.

Let’s EMPOWER OURSELVES, let’s our imagination take the lead of our life and see where it is going to take us. Let’s discover the Goddess that lies within us and awaken our true SELF.

It is said that most of us are born asleep; most of us live asleep, and get married asleep. Basically we live our life asleep. We are dormant soul with no purpose, no vision. Guest what? With no vision, no purpose we cannot get very far. Just like a car with an empty tank. Let’s awaken our soul and listen to what the Self has to say. Be still and listen. God is talking to us.

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