Saturday, July 3, 2010

African Women- Do you Love yourself?

As women we need to understand how valuable we are before we can decide to take any direction in our lives.
What do I mean by that? How do you value yourself? Do you love yourself?
Women are the essence of Life through women life is created and Life is a gift, and a gift is a gesture of Love.
If women were conscious of who they were, they could create miracle in their life. You have to know that you are beautiful, you are intelligent, and you have to feel confident, you have to feel beautiful, you have to feel intelligent.
It is one thing to know and another thing to feel.
You should not wait for anyone to tell you who you are, you should be able to look at yourself in the mirror and see the beauty within you, the confidence within you and feel it. You have to understand that it all starts from within before it can shine in your life. If you feel miserable inside it shows outside. If you feel beautiful inside it shows outside. Women, you are responsible for everything in your life, starting with your own feeling. No one can make you happy, but you. No one can make you beautiful but you.
Starts Loving yourself before you can look for Love. Start nurturing yourself before nurturing anyone else.

To learn more go on “A Life of Elegance” by Akouassi Yao


  1. Good job baby girl really proud of you!! We all come to that conclusion one day or the other: thank you for putting into words for all the woment who let people make them doubt about their power to success and BE who they really are. I'll buy your book because it makes sense to me. Bonne continuation sending you love! Caroline

  2. Bravo Akouassi!Ton blog est magnifique, surtout la belle plume sur la "femme". En tout cas bonne continuation , tout ceci t'emmenera tres tres loin.. Larissa
