Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine’s Day; the time to stop all and give time to Love and be grateful for all the Love we have ever received and gived

On this day of Love, it is time to look in the mirror and reflect on all the Love given and received.
Love, what a strange feeling!
When you are in Love, you have so much energy, which makes you rise above all. You wake up in the morning and you want to live forever. At the same time when you are in pain (emotional pain), you feel empty, dried up of all energy, all you want is to die.
That’s Love to be full at time and empty at others. Love is an energy, which is contagious; all want to be contaminated by it and at the same time immune from it.
Love can be given at all time, at any given moment in Life. It does not have to be an intimate relationship, it can be a friendship, it can be your family to whom you give Love and they return it back to you. A stranger you meet on the street and smile to.
Life has been so demanding that Love has now to be scheduled, now we need to remind ourselves to send a nice message to our love one, we have to set a reminder to spend some mesmerizing time with our wife or husband, we need a reminder to enjoy a nice meal and a movie with our sweetheart. How come Love has been a low priority in our calendar, when it is the source of all? I think ambition happen, money happen, fear of lack happen, independence happen. We are so into our thoughts that we can’t even give time to why we are here, which is Love. Love between a man and a woman, who desire each other, discover their body and gave a fruit, which is Life.
Now, we have to be reminded to celebrate Love (Valentine’s Day), otherwise we would forget.
Nowadays, you hear people say, I am with someone but we don’t see each other much, he works a lot, and I am always travelling or she has to live abroad, because of her job. Some people say; I am working a lot because I want to give the best to my family. And life goes on and we never have time to enjoy what we are working so hard to get, which is free of mind to Love and be with those we Love and Love us back.

So now, more and more people find their mate at their job place (office relationship), or online. Families share their precious time online, posting pictures of each other, talking to each other, sending sweet emails. It does not take much time and it is a new way to articulate the Love we have for one another.
Valentine’s Day may be commercial holiday, but at least the intent is good, I have to say the intent is to reunite and give time to remember “Love”. There should be a day to remind us to do something good. Week day is known as working day, to make money, earn a living, and weekend to resting day. But every single day should be a special day with a special name. You can make your own calendar, and come up with those special days to be grateful for all you have.

• Monday- Smiling day
• Tuesday-Gratitude day
• Wednesday- Play like crazy with children day
• And so on and so forth
Use your imagination, may be you will invent something so special, it will become a special holiday like Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, Valentine’s day, Easter, Mother’s day….

Much Love to all of you and take the time today to Love and be grateful to be here thanks to Love.

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