Friday, October 15, 2010

Being an entrepreneur or social entrepreneur...What does it mean? Part 2

As an African women, I have discovered something within that I am so proud of..We are all entrepreneur and most of us are social entrepreneur. We know that when there is a need somewhere, it can be answered by acting. I am from the Cote d'Ivoire, and I can tell you one thing, the women in Cote d'Ivoire are real hustler, they are afraid of nothing, give them a gum and they will sell it. They always want to sell something, they always want to create something. Most of the time they will sell fried plantain (allocco) on the street with fried fish, or they will sell juices, extension hair... This spirit is all over in West Africa, from Gambia to Ghana, from Cote d'Ivoire to Mali, from Senegal to Nigeria. Those women are driven by the spirit of entrepreneur. What makes them social entrepreneurs is that they do what they do for their family, their community, to create an income that will break them out of poverty. That's the first reason they become social entrepreneur, it is not to become rich, it is to better their life and the life of others. Their success is completely different from the definition of success in the North. Success is to be able to give give more food to their children, (three meals a day), give them the opportunity to get an education and a chance to have a life without struggling, their success is to be able to send their children abroad to get a higher education, their success is to be able to buy cloth for their children. Their success is not to buy the last Mercedes, or buy the third vacation houses, or go on a vacation to the Bahamas. Those things are not their motivation, their motivation comes from their children, the laugh of their children in the house, looking at their children enjoying the meals that she just cooked from their hard labor....
As an entrepreneur or social entrepreneur, we have to be able to define success,it will motivates us to keep on going through this journey of Life.

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